Bernd H. Oppermann/Hilmar Fenge/Vasco Pereira da Silva/Sylvia Calmes-Brunet/Regina Valutyte (Ed.)
International Legal Studies III
by European Scholars of the ELPIS Network
The present, third volume of International Legal Studies (ILeS) is a successor to the first edition of ILeS, which was issued and published in 2009, and the second edition of ILeS, which followed in 2013. It, once more, contains a collection of articles contributed by various European and International scholars, mostly deriving from lectures, which were given in three languages at different academic events of the ELPIS Law faculty network between 2013 and 2015. One of these events is – traditionally – the annual symposium preceding the graduation ceremony for the participants of the “European Legal Practice LL.M. joint degree” (ELPIS II) programme.
Corporate criminal law in a comparative view builds the basis for the contribution of Prof. Susanne Beck (Hanover): Beck emphasizes especially the differences between certain common law countries and especially Germany regarding the mentioned topos. Prof. Cláudio Brandão (Recife) provides a deep insight into the legal history and the basis of criminal law theoretics of Latin America in toto, by focussing on the reception of the Spanish great theorist of both theology and law, Francisco de Vitoria (about 1480–1546). Prof. Sylvia Calmes-Brunet (Rouen) tries to shed light upon the highly sensitive issue of regional languages in the French Republic and their constitutional and legal basis. Prof. Hilmar Fenge (Hanover) focuses on the delicate issue of contract law principles, especially regarding the Romanian civil law. He provides thereby a necessary view on the legal order of one of the newest EU member states, effectively helping to strenghten ties within the Union. Prof. Claas Friedrich Germelmann (Hanover) presents his view of the also very sensitive issue of the existence of an European identity, based on a very thorough analysis of European law. Prof. Bernd H. Oppermann (Hanover) issues insights regarding the first “legal clinic” in Hanover and the experiences made with said educational experiment. Furthermore, a more general approach regarding the possible enrichment of legal education not only in Germany by the means of “clinical legal education” is given.
Prof. Vasco Pereira da Silva (Lisbon), not only issues a beautiful ‘overture’ to this collective volume, but also focusses on certain pathologies regarding the Portuguese administrative law; Prof. Peter Salje (Hanover) offers highly valuable insights in his expertise of German energy law within the European context. The contribution of Prof. Regina Valutyte (Vilnius) focuses on the very sensitive issues of passenger name records (PNR) and data retention, providing an analysis of recent (and possible future) European developments, especially the (late) Data Retention Directive and certain draft PNR directive elements. The central digital rights Ireland judgment by the EU Court of Justice is also dealt with. Dr. Dimitrios Parashu (Hanover) analyses the Regulation 316/2014, which settles the matter of applying Art. 101 (3) TFEU in regard to agreements about technology transfer; and Erick Caetan Alves Nos (Hanover) offers very valuable information about lobbyism and the tries to gain legal control over it, within the European Union.
1. Auflage 2016
broschierte Ausgabe, 213 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-86977-136-6
29,80 €