Hilmar Fenge/Claas Friedrich Germelmann/Bernd H. Oppermann/Vasco Pereira da Silva (Ed.)
International Legal Studies IV
The 4th collective volume “International Legal Studies” contains the essays of scholars of the ELPIS network on different topics of international, comparative, and European Union law and thereby follows the tradition of its three predecessor volumes.
Antigoni Alexandropoulou provides an introduction to European Company Law, highlighting the different legal sources that, in the absence of a codified statutory system, today form the most relevant elements of law applying to companies in the European Union. Ahmad Chmeis evaluates some crucial developments in German competition law, dealing with new competences of the German Federal Cartel Office in the field of consumer protection. The contribution of Hilmar Fenge takes into account different legal rules (namely of Germany, France and Scotland) concerning civil liability, showing the intricacies of trans-border claims for damages in the field of substantive law. Fernando Galindo Ayuda treats a fundamental issue of jurisprudence by examining the relevance of ethical questions and norms of behaviour in the legal discourse, focusing especially on its role in current legal education. Stefan Huber addresses a current issue of European private law by describing and evaluating the recent reforms in the area of the European Small Claims procedure that is meant to be a procedural alternative in small sized trans-border economic activities. Bernd H. Oppermann outlines the development and the changeful history of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), demonstrating how the agreement is setting the standards for further comparable projects. Certain Commission Regulations on the application of Article 101 para. 3 TFEU are analysed by Dimitrios Parashu, in order to show the relevance of exemptions to the general anti-cartel rule. Reinhard Pauling deals with the case law of the European Court of Justice with regard to regulatory measures that aim at tobacco production and advertising control in the European Union. Vasco Pereira da Silva focuses on the existing different approaches in comparative, global, and European administrative law and examines the new challenges administrative law is facing in modern times. The contribution of Ravindra Kumar Singh analyses constitutional law from a comparative law perspective, examining the phenomenon that changes in the constitutional legal order might pose questions as to their compatibility with central determinations of the existing constitutional order.
The editors feel furthermore very fortunate to include the text of the lecture that Vasco Pereira da Silva gave when he was conferred upon the honorary doctorate degree of the Faculty of Law in Hanover. He describes and re-develops the core principle of legality in an international perspective, thereby placing the emphasis on its relevance for global administrative law.
1. Auflage 2019
broschierte Ausgabe, 255 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-86977-184-7
34,80 €